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*** March 3rd ***
161 Updates in February (Including 35 updates from Sunshine Q)
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I have always kept a list of college recruiting needs in a spreadsheet so that just as a general reference I could look up information on schools. Once COVID happened and all the NCAA eligibility started, I stopped keeping track of it because everything out change (and it realistically has) in the last 18 months.
Recently I have started keeping track of this information again and since I am always asked for a "list" I thought I would make it available to anyone that is interested.
These lists can be a good start, but please don't use it as an exclusive way to go about your recruiting. Please see the "product description" below for more information.
Not each school listed has responded back with needs. I receive these needs directly from the college coaches themselves, not other sources.
I will always do my best to update this list as much as possible throughout the month.
(My plan is NOT to include contact info, although that might change. Coaching staffs change regularly and that is just one more piece that would require constant updates. If enough people purchase and request that information, then I will potentially plan on adding that information down the road.)
This list will be updated each month and available for download.
Please understand a few things about these "needs lists":
1) This list is not meant to be exclusive.
2) Recruiting is a fluid and ever-changing part of college volleyball, so this list is as accurate as the last time it was updated.
3) Even if a school doesn't show a need for your position, if it is a school you are very interested in, please reach out to them!
4) Use this list as a starting point and look at some of my other resources and blog posts as well.
Looking for a way to organize your recruiting efforts? Use the same system that I use for all of my athletes! Use my link and save 15%!

*Affiliate Links - This post contains affiliate links, at no additional cost to you I am compensated if you purchase after clicking on the links.